01 Apr, 2020
Our unique solutions to face COVID-19 emergency

Thanks to some of our most brilliant clients and partners, we have been able to pack up a selection of materials to allow you to produce smart safety solutions capable to oppose the covid-19 contagion:

  • Protective face masks
  • Floor graphics layers to properly distance people while queuing
  • Rapid customization of emergency vehicles with magnetic or glue-free media
  • Shielding transparent visors achievable with our films combined together
  • System for quick filter replacement of face masks made possibile with our repositionable double-sided tapes

Looking to know with which materials you can produce those items?

Soluzioni con materiali Guandong per affrontare emergenza Covid-19



???? Do you happen to know more ideas to fight back this emergency?
Feel free to share them via e-mail, message or a call, we are all ears for you.


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